Sunday, 23 February 2025
Jindivick is the best school in Australia
1 min read

Jindivick Primary School has been judged the most improved of more than 6000 primary schools across Australia in its NAPLAN results.
The ranking, reported in The Australian’s Your School supplement, is based on the improvement in NAPLAN results between the grade three and five students.
Principal Wendy Arnott said she knew nothing about the ranking until someone rang her to point it out.
“We are very chuffed but it’s impossible to compare schools across Australia.
She says her school has many advantages: its size (just 64 pupils), passionate staff and supportive parents.
“Jindivick is a very supportive community.
“The families who come here really value education.
“The children are eager to learn, and that’s 80 per cent of the challenge for teachers.”