Saturday, 22 February 2025
Author shares secrets
1 min read

Renowned author Adam Wallace visited Jindivick Primary School last week to share with students some of his secrets on writing and publishing books.
Adam is a Melbourne based author and publisher with a 20 year career in the industry. He has written and illustrated more than 150 books in this time.
Adam had the children in stitches showing them how he produces his wacky and engaging stories. During the workshop students helped Adam create some hilarious stories following his good/bad/good formula.
Adam also read to students from his creative drawing books and helped show them how to create their own masterpieces. The children produced hideous hounds, strange stickmen and dancing dinos among other creations.
The day gave the students insight into the life of a 'real' author and said how stories can be made from any combination of ideas. All the students were also given one of Adam's books to keep as a gift from the Tarago MARC library program.
Adam also visited the four other MARC schools in the area and 280 students had the opportunity to meet and work with him.
Kim James from Tarago MARC said it was a "great way to promote the love of reading and books."
The Tarago MARC (Mobile Area Resource Centre) van visits Willow Grove, Tanjil South, Labertouche, Nilma and Jindivick Primary Schools weekly. The service enables small rural and regional schools access to a broader range of books and educational resources than what is just in their own school.
The van holds 3000 children's books with a further 8000 books stored in the collection. Students borrow books weekly. All students participate in a literacy lesson with Mrs James where they read and celebrate reading and books.
People interested in learning more about Adam Wallace and his many books can visit his website - www.adam-wallace-books.com