Packed with lots of brightly coloured shapes, grade student Liv shows off the Mondrian inspired artwork.

Grade five student Reggie said he enjoyed using Canva for his pop art picture because it was new and exciting.

Phoebe from grade six said she enjoyed learning about Monet's creative ideas when making her water lilies picture.

Josh from grade 5 used Canva to create different effects on his pop art style picture.

Left: Olivia shows off the wall of cubism style turtles. Olivia said she used a mix of chalk, pencil and water colour paints to create her work.Right: Packed with lots of brightly coloured shapes, Liv shows off the Mondrian inspired artwork.

Grade six student Bonnie showed off her Indigenous dot painting of a snake. Bonnie said the dots represented connection to the land and Dreamtime stories.

Inspired by Monet's waterlilies, grade six student Xanthe said she used water colours create her painting.

Grade five student Luke shows off his pot plant picture.

Sinead in grade five said she enjoyed using pastels to create her Picasso inspired picture.

Grade six student Molly used Canva to create an Andy Warhol style pop art picture collage of her friends.
Students from St Joeseph's Primary school in Warragul showcased their artistic talents last week, holding a whole school art exhibition.
Throughout the year students have studied different artistic styles, including Aboriginal dot painting and the styles of Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian and Andy Warhol.
Organised by arts teacher Rose Butera, the exhibition provided students the chance to show off their finest work.