Sunday, 23 March 2025
Fawcett family face off in WDCA cricket
1 min read

The weekend's division two match between Western Park and Neerim District was one for the record books, with five Fawcett relatives playing off against one another.
Liam, Dane and Aaron have played together for some time. However, it was the first time they have taken on the father-son duo in Dale and 16-year-old Tom.
Dale, son of Roderick Fawcett, grew up playing for Neerim between 1990 and 2000 before making the transition to Western Park in later years, where he now plays with son Tom.
Brother Murray began playing for Neerim in 1975 and has enriched cricket into his boys' and nephews' bones.
Since then Murray's sons - Dane and Aaron - and nephew Liam (sister Julie's son) have continued to carry on the Fawcett legacy for the Stags.
However, it is Rod who takes the prize for sparking his boys' passion for cricket and has loved the game since he began in 1954.
A proud father and grandfather, Rod eagerly headed up to the Neerim turf wicket to cheer on son Dale and all four of his grandsons alongside oldest son Murray.
Both clubs hope to see this rivalry continue and excitedly await for the next generation of Fawcett cricketers coming through the ranks.