Tender awarded for Yarragon park

A toilet block won't feature in stage one of the Rollo St Park works in Yarragon.

The decision came as Baw Baw Shire councillors awarded a $1.05 million contract to Sustainable Landscaping to transform the former school site.
Despite a last ditch plea from community groups and Cr Michael Leaney to include a toilet block, the works will instead focus on creating a tranquil park filled with trees, open grass, seating and a drinking fountain.
However, an officer report noted the park design offers necessary infrastructure to "retrofit" a toilet should it be required.
The project budget has been revised to $1.76 million, with predicted savings of about $360,000 to be returned to council's open space reserve.
The budget was previously $2.12 million, with a grant of $1.52 million grant from the state government's "Growing Suburbs Fund", $500,000 from council's open space reserve and $100,000 from council cash.
Roy Lindsay, speaking on behalf of Yarragon and District Community Association and Yarragon Business Association, told councillors in a verbal submission that "from day one, the Yarragon community has said there must be a toilet block available in that park."
He said council had provided "varying responses" of why it was not included, but argued the nearest toilet was some 300m away and "that's a long way to run with your legs crossed."
With surplus funds predicted, Mr Lindsay added any leftover money should go back into five outstanding projects within Yarragon.
He said West Ward councillors had set the precedent, allocating extra Drouin oval funds back into Drouin streetscape works.
An officer report said the 9000 square metre site was located at 3-5 Rollo St, on the eastern side of the Yarragon township.
The site of the primary school from 1879 to 2013, it was cleared after the Department of Education built a new school in Loch St.
As a result of strong community support, council decided to purchase the land in October 2019 and adopted a masterplan in December 2021. A project reference group was formed earlier this year.
"The expected outcome is to redevelop Rollo St Park into a safe and suitable passive park that can be utilised all year round," the report said.
Council received two conforming tenders for the works. The report stated Sustainable Landscaping "scored highly overall in the tender panel evaluations and is a reputable contractor who has completed previous work of this scope for other councils."
Works undertaken in this contract include earthworks; cultivation of new grassed areas and garden beds; water and tapping connection; seats and picnic settings; bollards; bike leaning rails; bin enclosures; a drinking fountain; fencing; and planting of evergreen trees, deciduous trees and shrubs.
"This project is not subject to a planning permit for the removal of native vegetation necessary to facilitate the works," the report noted. "But all work in the vicinity of trees, such as the construction of stormwater drainage and the installation of a water main and meter, will be undertaken in consultation with an appropriately certified and qualified arborist."
Construction is set to have "some impacts on the community", including limited site access and disruption in and around Hanns Lane.
Cr Leaney attempted to add an amendment to reserve predicted savings for a toilet block, but failed to gain support.
"Don't let it be said that I didn't give it a go," Cr Leaney said. "I perfectly understand the desire from the community in Yarragon to have toilet block at this location."
Putting that aside, he said it was a really good outcome for Yarragon, with the community having a strong sense of site ownership.
"I'm really pleased at what's due to happen because it will actually transform this location from just an empty paddock into something that the entire community can be very proud of," Cr Leaney said.
He said the plans included extra parking, nice pathways and new trees. However, he emphasised "this is really stage one", with an arbour, staging and toilets amongst further additions planned.
"I'll be working hard to make sure that we do get a toilet block," he declared.
Cr Darren Wallace said a toilet block wasn't in the original scope of the state government funding, nor does it fall within typical use of open space reserve.
With a public toilet strategy soon to follow, Cr Wallace said "we will work really, really hard to get Yarragon up to the priority one."
He said the development would leave underground pipes to allow for a future toilet block.
Cr Wallace said the exciting project would create "a tranquil, green open space that Yarragon community and the travelling public can use for many years to come."
"It will look beautiful once it's finished," he added, noting solar lighting, signage, shelter and artworks were not included in this contract.
Cr Peter Kostos thanked the community for advocating council to acquire this site.
Cr Kostos said a toilet block inclusion would have required a re-do of the tender, costing time and money.
"The rest of it will come," he said. "I'm glad to see that it is actually coming to fruition after five years. It's a great outcome."

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