Pause at Drouin West this long weekend

A pause from the road might just save your life.
That's the message for fatigued motorists ahead of the long weekend, with driver recharge stations set to be rolled out across the state - including a "Pause Stop" site at Drouin West.
Free barista coffee, children's activities, chill spots for a powernap and giveaways will be on offer at the Drouin West truck stop off the Princes Hwy on Monday from 12noon to 5pm.

The "Pause Stop" site, an initiative of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), aims to reduce driver fatigue on long journeys by encouraging motorists to plan ahead, pull over and recharge.
Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne encouraged all drivers to manage fatigue and drive to conditions this long weekend, with 59 people having already died on Victorian roads this year.
She said driving whilst tired contributed to 16 to 20 per cent of fatal crashes in the state each year and accounted for about 25 per cent of road trauma injuries at The Alfred and Royal Melbourne hospitals.
"As you prepare to travel on the state's roads this long weekend, make safety a priority - slow down, drive to the conditions and don't get distracted," Ms Horne said.
"Road safety is a shared responsibility, and we all have a role to play in making sure everyone gets home safely."
TAC chief executive officer Tracey Slatter asked all drivers to stay alert and make choices to keep all road users safe.
As well as the "Pause Stop" station at Drouin West, the TAC is working with the Victorian Industry Council to establish 15 similar sites within information centres across the state.
"Driving while fatigued doesn't just put you at risk - it endangers everyone else on the road," Ms Slatter said. "When we're tired, our ability to react and make safe choices is severely compromised."
"Get a good night's sleep before driving, allow plenty of travel time and take regular breaks to stay alert," she urged.
To find a "Pause Stop" site before your trip this long weekend, visit

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