A photograph of Vin Rowe's new premises in Warragul captured in November 1974.
Established in 1961, the business still provides a range of agricultural equipment to the farming community.
The new premises built in Endeavour St allowed business diversification. Drought conditions in 1971 and a general downturn in dairy farming were responsible for this move.
This included Vin Rowe acquiring a Datsun franchise - as captured in this photograph - when it was relinquished by Warragul Bus Lines.
The new premises on a two-acre site provided 21,000 square foot of space at the time of its construction. One side of the building was a car workshop and showroom. The other side was devoted to farm machinery.
Previous to this building, plant and equipment for car serving was carried out at a Williams St premises.
In a Gazette feature celebrating the opening, it was reported that 20 people were on the payroll at Vin Rowe. This included office staff.
Photograph and information courtesy of the Gazette.
Teens threatened on train
Two Trafalgar teenagers were threatened and intimidated on a west bound train on Saturday night before getting off the train at Yarragon and reporting the incident. The two youths, aged 16 and 17-years-old, boarded the train at Trafalgar to go to...