A handy booklet for communities at a higher risk of flooding is now available online.
There are "local flood guides" specific for Longwarry, Moe River flats, Trafalgar, Warragul and Koo wee rup available.
VICSES said the online guides contained the most current information residents needed to know about flooding in and around their local area.
With flooding recently impacting parts of Gippsland, it is a timely reminder of the helpful documents.
"Local flood guides are produced for communities which have a higher risk of flooding," VICSES community resilience coordinator Merryn Henderson said. "They can help you better understand your flood risk, how flood warnings work and how to prepare yourself, your home or your business."
The guides are produced through a combined effort of VICSES, municipalities and catchment management authority or water corporation.
"These really are handy little booklets and I encourage everyone to visit the VICSES website to see if there is one for their town," Ms Henderson said.
To find a local flood guide for a community near you, go to ses.vic.gov.au/get-ready/your-local-flood-information
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