Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Taiwan focus for World Day of Prayer
1 min read

World Day of Prayer events will be held in Warragul, Longwarry and Buln Buln on Friday.
Another event also will be held at Drouin on Sunday afternoon.
World Day of Prayer is a dedicated day in which a wave of prayer goes around the world beginning with Pacific nations like Tonga, then New Zealand and Australia. From Asia and on to Africa and Europe and finally the United States of America.
Churches of different Christian denominations meet to hold services in their area. They learn of the customs, history and particularly women's issues for the focus country – Taiwan for 2023. More than two years preparation by the women of Taiwan about their land and society will deliver a colourful picture of the needs for which we can pray.
Services are open to anyone who is interested.
Friday, March 3:
10am - The Salvation Army Warragul, followed by morning tea.
10.30am - Seventh Day Adventist Church, Longwarry followed by a light lunch.
11am - St James Anglican, Buln Buln featuring guest speaker the Reverend Gospel Ralte-UCA. Lunch will follow.
Sunday, March 5:
2pm - Christ Church, Drouin.
Some of the facts uncovered about Taiwan this year are: Indigenous peoples make up two per cent of their population, with 16 different language and cultural groups officially recognised; 99 per cent literacy rate for residents over 15 years; presidential advocacy for women's rights; and the country has the second highest recycling rate per person per day in the world.
World Day of Prayer is a chance to learn more about Taiwan and the special needs their women may have. There will be an opportunity to give an offering towards the Bible Society Project for Taiwanese women and their families who face particular difficulties.
For more information go to: www.worlddayofprayeraustralia.org