Saturday, 29 March 2025
New U3A course
1 min read

U3A Baw Baw is introducing an exciting new class for term two, "Industrial Revolutions from 1770s to Future" presented by David Ingham.
U3A offers low-cost retirement activities for seniors in West Gippsland.
Members are offered the opportunity to learn something new, challenge and engage their minds and body, and make new friends and social connections. Visitors are welcome.
The new history unit will follow topics from the 1750s to the future in each session, sparing participants the tedious form of history studied at school.
Participants will examine topics such as the steam, concrete and coal revolutions in transport and revolutions in society in terms of poverty, wealth and the making of current culture. Some aspects will be controversial, such as the unit on energy which will confront global warming issues and the future. Others might be frightening such as the future impact of artificial intelligence on our society. This unit will celebrate what humans have and are achieving, whilst recognising their frailty.
Most importantly, the unit will prove that studying history is not just about events, but the joy of finding out more about humankind.
Check out U3A Baw Baws term two courses at u3abawbaw.org.au under 'Courses and Activities' or contact 0408 364 159 for more information.