Greens candidate Alyssa Weaver wants to give community members the option to vote for a candidate for the future, with real action on the climate crisis while putting integrity back into government.
If elected, Ms Weaver said having another Greens member in state parliament would ensure the government would be pressured into meaningful environmental and social change policies.
Ms Weaver, who lives at Tynong North, is a disability support worker and children's book author. She described herself as "just a concerned local that has put up" for election.
She said she was initially attracted to The Greens because of its policies supporting the rights of and justice for those with disabilities and creation of a First Nations people through a treaty.
Ms Weaver said when talking to community members, the outcry for a new hospital was always front and centre.
She said the cost of living and housing insecurity also were hitting the community hard.
Focussed on a transition to renewable energy, Ms Weaver said the Greens were the only party proposed a real and viable transition plan.
"As we inevitably move on from fossil fuels workers, the communities in this industry can't be left behind This fight isn't against coal workers and never has been.
"The Greens are the only party proposing a real, properly funded and coordinated transition plan with income guarantees so no one is left behind," she said.
A Tynong North resident, Ms Weaver said she would take the community's voice into parliament and represent everyone in Narracan.
Her main priority is ensuring a sustainable future and fair go for everyone.