Mayor advocates for disaster relief funds

Disaster relief support was on the table when Baw Baw Shire mayor Annemarie McCabe and key shire staff advocated for financial support at State Parliament last Thursday.
Sitting in on question time and speaking with parliamentary leaders, Cr McCabe and council staff called on the State Government to release vital funds relating to outstanding claims for disaster relief payments.
According to shire staff, the municipality experienced the highest incidence of disaster in Australia, seeking government assistance 47 times since 2019/2020.
Council estimates that as of August 2024, more than $14 million had been paid up front for disaster recovery since 2022, with $10 million outstanding in claims related to eligible expenses outlaid for storm and flood repairs.
These funds would otherwise be spent delivering valuable services and infrastructure within the community.
The most recent storm events are expected to have a repair bill greater than that of the February 2024 storm event.
"The size of this storm event exceeds the February 2024 storm event that resulted in a claim for $3.2 million," Baw Baw Shire acting chief executive officer Martin Hopley said.
Council said that $14 million could benefit Baw Baw Shire in a variety of ways, including delivering a years' worth of road maintenance and road related capital works, about 56 new playgrounds or providing grant funding for the Community Grants Program for another 50 years.

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