Lookout remains without a name

A scenic site at Neerim South will remain nameless despite strong support for it to be known as Apex Lookout and Picnic Area.

Frustration was evident from several Baw Baw Shire councillors when it was decided to set recent public feedback aside and continue the search for a new name.
With votes tied at four-all, mayor Annemarie McCabe had the casting vote and opted for the alternative motion to widen the naming net.
However, a notice of rescission lodged after the meeting by three councillors, could see the decision reconsidered by the new council in December.
Either way, councillors abandoned plans to rename the site Little Charli's Picnic Area and Lookout after an overwhelming 47 residents voted against it during community consultation. Only four of the 51 responses were in favour.
An officer report said reasons against the name included: not linking place to name; Little Charli holding no real significance to the site; Apex being historically linked; and, Apex reflecting the work undertaken by the now-defunct Neerim South Apex Club.
Those in favour stated they enjoyed the mystery of who or what Little Charli was.
The report said the lookout was located four kilometres north of Neerim South and overlooked the Tarago Reservoir. It had been the subject of Place Names Advisory Committee discussions since 2017 when confusion was raised on the official name.
Council records showed it was referred to as Apex Picnic Area and Lookout, yet a sign for "Little Charli's Lookout" was placed sometime after 2010. The illegally constructed wooden sign was removed by council in 2018 to avoid confusion.
However, with the current name not registered with Geographic Names Victoria and "Apex" not unique for park and picnic area names, councillors put the advisory committee's recommendation of Little Charli's Lookout out for public feedback from April 5 to May 6.
The report noted a significant majority of the 51 respondents were from nearby townships, with 20 from Neerim South. Five were from Neerim, four from Neerim East, four from Nayook, three from Neerim Junction, one from Neerim North, one from Jindivick and one from Tanjil South. Other respondents were from Warragul, Drouin and Malvern East.
In addition, the report noted "considerable conversation" on social media, with 162 comments recorded.
"The sentiment of this commentary was against the (Little Charli's) naming proposal," it said.
Cr Jazmin Tauru, putting forward an alternative, said the advisory committee was concerned the two names may not be the best options.
"I'm keen to continue to search to find a more fitting name," Cr Tauru said. "It starts with a name, and I really think we can do better."
"I think that only having the two options skewed people's opinions," she added. "I think there should be the opportunity for people to put forward a completely new name."
Cr Keith Cook said it was a popular spot for tourists to take a break overlooking the Tarago Valley.
Cr Cook said the Apex Club established the picnic area after the road was aligned in the 1960s but "has no current connection" with the site which was slowly deteriorating.
He believed a third unique name had gained traction and would be more likely to gain funding for development opportunities.
"I hope that this option will give the community an opportunity to name the picnic area whatever they consider, even if it is Apex again," Cr Cook concluded.
Cr Peter Kostos said the people had spoken and wanted to keep the Apex name.
"Get on with it, just name it Apex Lookout and Picnic Area," Cr Kostos said. "Move on. It's a waste of time and space."
Cr Darren Wallace said feedback was very clear and locals wanted to honour the local service club who created the area.
"I don't support this matter going any further through further consultation," Cr Wallace said. "Let's stop irritating the locals and leave the name the same."
Cr Michael Leaney said council had followed process and had investigated renaming the site Little Charli's Lookout.
"We don't need to keep this going," Cr Leaney said. "If someone wants to bring up another name, they are welcome to do that. But it's not up to us."
Whilst acknowledging Apex was a common name, Cr Tricia Jones said she was reluctant to disregard process and community submissions.
"There are lots of Apex parks but they still need some distinguishing feature," Cr Jones said. "Leave the Apex Lookout and Picnic Area, but I do think it needs Neerim or some other name at the beginning of it."
Cr McCabe said she was in two minds.
"If they'd had a third option, would they have decided actually we'd rather call it Hell's Gate or whatever?" she asked. "On the other hand through, I appreciate process needs to be followed as well."
In her reply, Cr Tauru said she believed locals had been "so upset" with Little Charli that they selected Apex by default.
"Why would we just settle on a name that doesn't truly represent that area?" she asked. "Names are so significant. They really represent so much."
Cr Tauru added that she felt it disrespectful councillors hadn't raised their concerns with her prior to the meeting.
However, Cr Kostos stated the alternate only came in the day prior.
The vote was tied four-all, with Cr Kostos calling for a division. Crs Cook, McCabe, Tauru and Farhat Firdous voted for. Crs Wallace, Leaney, Jones and Kostos voted against.
Cr Danny Goss was absent.
After the meeting, Crs Wallace, Leaney and Kostos lodged a notice of rescission.
Council said the decision on the lookout naming could be "reasonably deferred" until the new council was in place.
It is due to be considered at the December council meeting and no action can take place until this time.

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