JPs expand to after hours

In response to community feedback, Justices of the Peace who provide the document witnessing service at the Warragul Library have expanded the service with two additional sessions.
From October 1, the service also will be available from 4pm to 6pm every Tuesday and Wednesday, which is consistent with days the library remains open until later.
The document signing station currently operates at the Warragul Library Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm.
Roster co-ordinator Ian Symons said "we know it can be difficult for people who work to come during the day, so we are adding these two late afternoon sessions."
Demand for the service continues to increase with current data showing more than 3300 people had presented more than 10,500 documents to JPs for signing this year. In addition, there are others seeking advice, who are not counted.
Mr Symons said there would not be a week go by that a duty JP did not have someone visit to ask questions about how to complete a legal document or form.
He said a JP was not qualified to provide legal advice in a formal sense but could help people understand complex documents and the "fine print" that sometimes gets overlooked. A good example of this is a requirement on some government forms, such as an application for a permit to own a firearm, that the referee or witness must have known the applicant/declarant for more than 12 months.
Mr Symons urged those who know about the service at the library to spread the word as widely as possible and the easy access from the rear car park off Trumpy Lane.

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