Consultation will be undertaken to determine how best to engage with youth in Baw Baw Shire.
In considering an officer report on child and youth engagement last week, a majority of councillors were keen to gain a greater understanding of youth needs. But, several noted failed past programs and believed further investigation was a waste of officer time and money.
The issue attracted lively debate with Cr Jazmin Tauru departing mid-meeting after claiming she felt personally attacked.
"Youth engagement shouldn't be about money," said Cr Jazmin Tauru. "It is a core business council issue."
"This is youth engagement. This is the future of our community. It is real work.
"It isn't about convincing children to get involved in local government," she added. "It's about inspiring and showing there are opportunities for them."
But Cr Danny Goss said he could see "no evidence at all that any youth are knocking on the door saying can you help us out, we'd like to know more about council."
"In fact, it's quite the opposite. When councillors sometimes visit schools, the kids aren't interested in the slightest.
"If councillors want to wander down the feel-good path, good luck to them. But I'd rather hire another planner so we can get the real work of council done," he said.
Councillors voted six to three in support of Cr Tauru's motion to receive a further report from officers in order to understand the engagement needs of young people, engage other councils to seek information, and identify where existing opportunities could be extended.
Possible programs included a youth council or advisory group, experiencing councillor and mayoral roles, work experience, live4life youth committee and FreeZA.
An officer report, prepared in response to a general business motion in late September by Cr Tauru, looked into some engagement options.
"The aim of the program would be to create greater knowledge of the operations of local government, career possibilities in council (including the councillor role), and to better understand the community through the eyes of children and young people," the report said.
It said a formal engagement program would require additional allocation of resources and budget. However, the suggestion of having councillors speak about the role of council within schools would have a minimal impact on resources.
Cr Tauru called for a further report, stating she did not have enough knowledge to make an informed decision.
"I see the disconnect between council and the younger generation, and I want to re-establish that connection," Cr Tauru said.
Cr Tricia Jones said she knew of the youth program and FreeZA but councillors hadn't been updated on for a while.
"What we are currently offering may not suit or may not be of interest to some, or perhaps even many, of our young people between the ages of 12 and 25," Cr Jones said.
"We haven't had that conversation, so we need to ask them."
Cr Darren Wallace said the report was "just a regurgitation of a report tabled in 2016" and calling for another report would take officers away from normal duties.
He said councillors had ample opportunity to promote council to youth when out and about and it should "not be left up to council officers to hold our hands".
Cr Keith Cook said the shire had 8500 students across its 37 schools and didn't believe youth programs would prove costly.
"It has got to be driven by the youth, not so much the officers, and that will keep the interest," Cr Cook said.
Cr Goss criticised Cr Tauru's "last minute" alternate motion for not giving councillors enough time to consider it. "I think these airy fairy ideas with no evidence at all don't benefit the community all that much."
Cr Joe Gauci said the pressures on year 12 students had led to the demise of the previous youth council program.
"We tried so hard as a council to keep the engagement with these schools as we went through. And we were basically told thanks but no thanks."
Cr Peter Kostos said youth programs hadn't worked in the past and was concerned about the cost.
Cr Tauru called for a division. Crs Cook, Tauru, Jones, Gauci, Michael Leaney and Annemarie McCabe voted in favour. Crs Goss, Kostos and Wallace voted against.