Landcare grants available for environmental projects

This year's Victorian Landcare Grants program is now open for West Gippsland environmental groups.

The State Government is helping volunteer groups and networks protect and restore West Gippsland's environments through its annual grants.
There is $3.55 million available to support volunteers in caring for the state's landscapes and biodiversity and $337,250 available for the West Gippsland CMA region.
The grants are open to environmental volunteer groups and networks, including Landcare groups and networks, Friends groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups and Aboriginal groups.
Project grants of up to $20,000 are available for on-ground works and community education projects focused on enhancing the natural environment, including native vegetation and wildlife, waterways and soils.   
Support grants of up to $500 are available to assist with administrative and operational expenses of groups and networks.
"Landcare has a long and proud history in the region, right across the catchment. From Archies Creek in the west over to Munro in the east, passionate volunteers are delivering local and landscape-scale projects to protect our region's environment," West Gippsland CMA chief executive officer Martin Fuller said.
"In 2024, Landcare groups across the region received funding of $337,250 for 21 projects and 26 support grants for initiatives such as safeguarding remnant forests, restoring swampy woodland to protect threatened species, developing a community nursery and inspiring the next generation of Landcarers.
"The continued work of Landcare volunteers across the catchment is inspiring and vital to the CMA's goal of healthy and resilient catchments. I look forward to seeing what projects will come out of the 2025 grant process."
Grant applications close on April 16. For more information and to apply, visit

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