Showcase of quality in exhibition section

Flowers, produce, cookery, art and craft will be among the feature displays of this exhibition section at this year's show.
With the Exhibition Hall currently closed to public use, the show's exhibition section will be spread across the Badminton Hall and Oaks Pavilion.
The exhibition section has become a showcase of quality entries from across the district, with primary and secondary school student exhibitors growing in numbers each year and classes for all abilities exhibitors also well supported.
The Badminton Hall and Oaks Pavilion will be transformed to feature a display of community handicrafts, photography, arts and crafts, hobbies, cooking displays, general and farm produce, flowers and other various sections.
The plain and fancy needlework classes are always popular and provide a great display of skill and work.
From home grown fruits, vegetables and flowers to creative arts and crafts, exhibitors will provide many interesting displays.
The focus on encouraging younger exhibitors also will continue with a wide variety of classes available for students including fruit and vegetables, flowers and cooking as well as scrapbooking, craft, mosaic, computer art, Lego and paper plate masks.
Scrapbooking, handmade cards and parchment craft classes are expected to be well supported.
One of the main features each year is the photographic section.
The junior photography classes will cater for entries in three age groups - under eight years old; sight to 13-years-old; and, 14 to 18-year-olds.
Classes for people with special needs or a disability include classes for cooking, arts and crafts and photography for all ages.

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