The annual "Party in the Park" celebration in Drouin on Australia Day is in question.
However, despite social media comments placing the blame on Baw Baw Shire Council, it appears the toll of running such an event on local service clubs is to blame.
"Council has not yet received confirmation from the Rotary Club of Drouin if it intends to hold an event in 2025," Baw Baw Shire chief executive officer Mark Dupe said. "Sponsorship is available for events in 2025 should the Rotary Club wish to apply."
West Ward councillor Ben Lucas has since offered his councillor pay to help pay for the community barbecue in Civic Park. However, he said he needed an interested local sports club or community group to jump on board to lead the organisation.
"I can 110 per cent tell you that the Baw Baw Shire isn't cancelling Australia Day," Cr Lucas said on social media. "No councillors have voted for anything or against anything for Australia Day. Things are going to crack on as they always have."
Having spoken to representatives of the local service clubs, Cr Lucas said Lions and Rotary were finding it hard to find volunteers to organise the Drouin event.
Mr Dupe confirmed Baw Baw Shire provided sponsorship to assist community groups deliver Australia Day celebrations across the shire each year.
As in previous years, council will host an Australia Day citizenship ceremony at the West Gippsland Arts Centre. It will be followed by a free barbecue and activities in the arts centre forecourt.
Australia Day party in doubt
Dec 17 2024
1 min read
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