Thousands of books sorted and categorised awaited book lovers when they arrived for the two-day Warragul Lions Club book fair.
There was no shortage of keen readers looking for some bargains at the highly successful book fair run by Warragul Lions Club to raise funds for local community projects.
People that still love to read hard copies of books had a feast with thousands on offer at the Warragul Lions Club's recent two-day sale of used books.
The book fair provided plenty of bargains for a strong attendance of avid readers with all proceeds going to the Lions' local community projects.
Chairman of the book fair Brian Grist said the offerings covered virtually all tastes in literature from children's titles to timeless classics and everything in between.
The successful event was the culmination of many hours of work over the previous 12 months by Lions collecting, sorting, categorising and storing books from many generous donors and the local library.
Members were also there throughout the sale greeting people at the door and helping on the sales floor and at the check out.
Mr Grist said without the generous support of the community such events would not happen.