Warragul's Fairview Village is looking to expand its board of directors to include more locals.
The board has a critical role in considering issues relating to the standard of care and housing for residents, with an aim of enabling residents to live the best life they can in a residential aged care setting.
Expressions of interest are currently being sought from potential new members, as the board looks to include more people from the Warragul district and general West Gippsland area.
Currently, the board consists of four people with a variety of skills and experience.
"The organisation's constitution allows for up to seven members," said managing director and chief executive officer Dianne Wallace.
"And we are hoping to bring the board up to its full complement for our next annual general meeting".
Ideal candidates will have well-developed contemporary knowledge of aged and health care issues, community expectations of standards of care, and respect for residents, sound judgement and experience as a decision maker with experience in clinical aged care, real estate, finance, law or marketing sectors.
Applicants will ideally live in the Warragul district and have the ability to commit sufficient time to participate in regular board meetings and sub-committees.
All applications can be emailed to the managing director and chief executive officer Dianne Wallace at dianne@fairviewvillage.com.au
To discuss the role of the board and its directors, contact Dianne Wallace on 5623 2752.
Expressions of interest close on Friday, October 7.