Extraordinary bravery and skill of Longwarry pilot

The Longwarry and District History Group research and publish the service story of one local man or woman who has served their country every Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.
This year, the group noted the service of pilot Frederick Charles Pope who flew missions over Europe during World War II.
Those who lived around Longwarry in the 1950s and 60s will remember the general farm produce store of Follet and Pope. It was located in Mackey St, opposite where the post office is now. Fred Pope was a partner in the business with Ernie Follett.
The Longwarry and District History Group is grateful to Fred's eldest daughter Joy Tampaline who has preserved her father's records for more than 70 years, including his flight log book. She granted the group's researcher unlimited access to this material and photographs, a rare opportunity and privilege.

How did a Longwarry man working in a dairy factory find his way to flying bombers over Europe?
Frederick Charles Pope was born in Brunswick and, along with his mother Elizabeth, moved to Longwarry in the late 1930s. He worked as a milk grader and tester at the Longwarry Dairymen's Cooperative.
Fred enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in December 1941 and was sent to Canada in July 1942 for further training.
Fred qualified as a pilot and was awarded the rank of Flying Officer (FO) and joined 466 Squadron at Driffield, England in January 1943.
The 466 Squadron was a RAAF bomber squadron formed in late 1942 and attached to Bomber Command, flying night missions over Europe and Germany. FO Pope was one of its very first pilots.
Quickly noticed by his commanding officers, FO Pope was noted to be "a sound and reliable officer above average in his flying skills". His flying ability was soon put to the test.
"On the night of August 30, 1943 when flying as captain, his aircraft developed severe engine trouble," read an entry in his logbook.
"After persisting with his operational mission until it was impossible to maintain height, he jettisoned his bombs and succeeded in making a safe and successful landing under extremely difficult conditions. By his action he saved not only the lives of his crew but safe guarded much valuable equipment."
However, it was not this incident that would later earn him The Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery and skill. That story is best explained in his citation for the award.
"Whilst on the outward flight to Leipzig one night in February 1944, the aircraft captained by FO Pope, was intercepted by three enemy fighters which attacked with great persistence," the citation said.
"In all, 10 attacks were made but FO Pope manoeuvred with great skill and finally succeeded in evading the enemy aircraft. He then went on to the target which he attacked with his usual determination. This officer has participated in attacks against a wide variety of targets including Berlin."
FO Pope DFC continued with 466 Squadron until the end of the war in May 1945. He flew Wellington and Halifax heavy bombers on 40 missions for a total of 239 hours.
He arrived back in Sydney in August 1945 after receiving a further promotion to Flight Lieutenant.
The statistics for Bomber Command during the war were horrific. More than 57,000 pilots and crew were killed and 128 of FO Pope's friends in 466 Squadron did not return home.
When reading stories of these survivors, they all say they were lucky. But it was much more than that. They needed great bravery, skill and a calmness when in extreme danger to take advantage of whatever luck came their way.
Clearly from FO Pope commendations, he had all of these qualities and more.
Whilst on duty, he met a bonnie Scottish woman who was in the British air force. Her name was Jean and they married whilst in England.
On his return, Fred developed a very successful business in Follet and Pope with his partner Ernie Follett. He was a contributor to life in Longwarry as a member of community organisations.
He and wife Jean lived in Witton St and raised four children.
Fred Pope died in 1962 aged just 44. Jean was registered by the authorities as being a war widow, indicating Fred's war service was a contributing factor to his early death. It is an important note that not all war injuries are visible.

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