Neerim Health's Ladies Guild recently raised $7000 for eye surgery equipment.
Two ophthalmology surgical sets (eye instrument sets) for use during cataract surgery were purchased with the funds.
The donation was celebrated with an afternoon tea and the opportunity to watch, through a window, an eye surgery undertaken.
Neerim Health director of clinical services Bernie McKenna said Neerim Health had taken on cataract surgery overflow from West Gippsland Hospital and Latrobe Regional Hospital.
The health service needed additional eye sets to maintain workflow under new standards and approached the Ladies Guild for help.
"We've just upgraded our sterilising equipment to be compliant with the new Australian standards," Ms McKenna explained.
"In doing that, our sterilising also takes a bit longer now with the new equipment, so we also needed the additional sets to be able to process the instruments timely enough for the cataract list."
"We are extremely grateful that they could provide us with those sets... they make a big difference for the patients that come here."
The most cataract patients Neerim Health does in one day is 19, and Ms McKenna said the new instruments made a big difference to the staff's workflow.
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