Saturday, 8 February 2025
Demand growing for Longwarry food relief
1 min read

Demand for food relief provided through Longwarry Lions food bank continues to grow.
Spokesperson Debbie Brown said the service was handling up to two tonnes of food per week.
Opening of its centre at the Longwarry public hall for three hours once a fortnight usually attracts between 120 and 150 people and, with the help of Drouin Rotarians, 60 hampers are delivered each fortnight to people that can't attend because they do not have transport, are ill or frail.
The Longwarry group provides food and meals to people over a wide area including a number of residents outside Baw Baw Shire. Its service is free and it also has available a collection of clothing that Ms Brown said was also well received.
"We do a lot with little money," she said.
A significant amount of free vegetables and fruit comes from the Longwarry community garden but Ms Brown said many district business were great supporters with excess fresh food they had on hand.
She said the work of "wonderful" volunteers and support from a number of service clubs in the district enabled the food bank to meet the demand that was "growing all of the time".
Longwarry Lions has been operating the food relief program for the past 10 years.