Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Could you be a voice for Baw Baw?
1 min read

A community panel is being formed to help influence the future direction of Baw Baw Shire.
Recruitment of about 40 people to be part of a new initiative "Baw Baw Voices" is currently underway.
The aim is that Baw Baw Voices will meet four times in March and April to consider what council's priorities should be for the next four years and what outcomes these will bring.
A report will be developed based on their insights, which will be presented to council and contribute to the 2025-2029 council plan as well as a suite of other strategic documents. These will include the municipal public health and wellbeing plan, asset plan and finance plan.
Members of the community panel will gain insights into how council works, unique challenges facing Baw Baw and contribute their knowledge and lived experience, which will all add value to these new documents.
Panel members - all aged 18 years or over - will be randomly selected and represent a cross-section of the local community, reflecting different ages, ethnicities, backgrounds and genders.
Baw Baw Shire chief executive officer Mark Dupe said this was a "unique opportunity" to explore community priorities and share those with council officers and councillors.
"I really encourage anyone with a strong intertest in the future of our shire to submit their interest to be on this panel, as opportunities like this don't always present themselves," Mr Dupe said.
Expressions of interest are now open and close on Sunday, December 8.
Information on Baw Baw Voices, including frequently asked questions, recruitment and reimbursement of up to $350, can be found at bawbawconnect.com.au/hub-page/shape-baw-baw
For those who nominate but don't get selected or anyone wishing to share their thoughts on community priorities, can participate in an online survey between Monday, November 18 and Friday, February 7.