Anniversary at Abbey Gardens

The community of Abbey Gardens Aged Care at Warragul celebrated a special birthday in style.

Residents, staff and volunteers joined forces to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the first Baptcare-owned aged care facility in suburban Melbourne.
Baptcare took over ownership of the facility at Warragul, and Amberlea at Drouin, in 2019 and now operates 20 residential care homes in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
Residential aged care services manager at Abbey Gardens, Lauren Robinson, said the anniversary was a significant milestone in the organisation's history and was a wonderful opportunity for all residents, staff and volunteers involved to share there experiences of living and working in the community of the facility.
A piano performance by Marc De Cario set the tone for the afternoon that also included a video chronicling the history of Baptcare and an address by Ms Robinson with a special celebration cake made by one of the volunteers and adorned with roses from the village's garden in pride of place.
Each resident was delighted to receive a certificate acknowledging their residency and membership of the Abbey Gardens community.

Subscribe to The Warragul and Drouin Gazette to read the full story.