A-moo-sing fundraiser planned

Ellinbank Primary School is set to host a rather a-moo-sing fundraiser for its school classrooms this Saturday.
The 'Cow Pat Lotto' will see local cow Missy let loose into a marked out grid on the school oval, where participants can purchase tickets that correspond with a square on the grid.
So how does one win the 'Cow Pat Lotto'? Well, the hint is in the name.
Yes, the owner of the square where Missy drops her first poo of the day will be declared the winner, with vouchers, goods and services worth over $1000 on offer for first place.
The lotto will be a part of the school's 'Family Cow Carnival', where other games on offer include a cow treasure hunt, guessing the number of milk bottle lollies, pin the tail on the cow and gumboot throwing.
Fundraising will go towards new cooling and heating units for the school, which have been in need of an upgrade for some time.
Plenty of prizes will be on offer for kids and the school is encouraging everyone to come dressed in their craziest cow costumes to win a special prize.
The carnival will take place from 8:30am to 10:30am, with Missy set for her big moment beginning at 11am.
Entry into the carnival will cost $5 per child or $8 for a family. Tickets for the lotto can be purchased online at and will cost $10 per ticket, or five tickets for $40.

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