Neerim district secondary college
A world of media

A former science portable at Neerim District Secondary College that underwent a makeover last year has been in full swing this year as a media room.

Studio 31 boasts a green screen wall, the length of the portable, a recording studio and a mixing booth for students to create movies and audio productions.

The green screen effect enables moving or still backgrounds to be added later in the editing room to the actors in front of the camera. The walls are decorated with retro movie posters and The Beatles images as well as some vinyl 45s attached to the recording studio walls.

The Tarago Education Community media room is a shared facility, with Labertouche, Jindivick, Noojee, Nayook, Lardner, Neerim South and Neerim District Rural primary schools all having access to the facilities.

All music students from year seven to 12 have access to the recording studio and music equipment. The media room will be utilised further next year with a media subject added to the curriculum for senior students.  

The room is mostly used by a script to screen class for years nine and 10 for writing scripts and recording scenes in Studio 31 before editing on the computers in the mixing booth.

The students have been working on a zombie film which is near completion. The Chinese language classes also use the room as well as the music class and Cea9 class - a year nine program for developing creative skills that covers a wide range of life experiences. Cea9 teacher Tristan Mether said most of the students are independent in their learning of editing skills.

They are coming along in the music classes and have recorded a couple of rock tracks, the most commonly played by the students. 

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