Marist-sion college
Marist reduce waste

Marist Sion College, Warragul is taking steps to ensure it is environmentally friendly through several recent initiatives.

Tammy Logan of Gippsland Unwrapped recently delivered a presentation to year nine students to educate them on effective ways to reduce the amount of waste they bring to school as part of their school lunch.

It follows a recent initiative of installing a dual bin system at the school.

Marist Sion College teacher Michelle Lilford said voluntary environmental group ‘the green team’ had been working on several initiatives to educate students with the aim to make the school environmentally friendly.

“It took a significant investment to install a dual binning system around the school,” she said.

“We did a waste audit where we collected all waste from the school in one day and counted it, finding if the bins are being used correctly and educating the students, because it can be hard to identify what to put in each bin.

“We’ve still got a way to go.”

Students in the school’s green team volunteer their time, submitting an application to prove their commitment and passion for the environment.

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