Sunday, 23 February 2025
Special recognition
1 min read

The 119 people from the Longwarry, Labertouche and Modella areas that served in World War 1 will get special recognition at Longwarry’s Remembrance Day service on Sunday that marks the 100th anniversary of the end of the war.

The town’s cenotaph will be surrounded by 119 white crosses, each bearing one of the names that appear on the memorial in the park at the corner of Bennett and Kennedy Sts.

The commemorative project is the result of collaboration between a number or organisations; senior students at Longwarry and Labertouche primary schools, Labertouche Men’s Shed, Longwarry History Group and Longwarry RSL.

The Gazette has a special eight page commemorative liftout - “We Will Remember Them.”