Monday, 3 March 2025
Native garden takes shape
1 min read

The first stage of a sensory garden has been completed at Ellinbank Primary School, with completion of a native garden, pond and dry creek bed.

The broader project will incorporate sensory and creative elements around the art room as well as a nature playground.

The project forms part of school plans to redevelop its school grounds as part of its continual growth cycle.

Along with a focus on continual academic improvement, the western end of the school grounds is beginning to take shape, centred around an environmental focus.

Last year, in conjunction with the Mt Worth Landcare group, a section of the school was re-planted in native bushes and trees to beautify a section. It was also to create a habitat which would encourage native animals and birds to frequent.

School Council president Natalie Thorne said another section would soon be developed with a tree planting to take place to coincide with national tree planting day.

“Sitting alongside this is the creation of a wet area centred around a frog and mini-beast pond,” she said.

“This area has historically been a fantastic place for children to explore and search for a variety of small animal life for research and science purposes.