Udderly magnificent art

There was little left to the imagination of what a dairy community represented when St Angela of the Cross, Warragul students put their creative talents to work in Dairy Australia's Picasso Cows program.
And the results were udderly magnificent - judges declaring St Angela of the Cross as the best cow design with a 50/50 scorecard.
It was a project that left no stone unturned between art and health education from the time the school was accepted into the program early in the school year.
From their began an extensive design process, artwork and naming - with grades three and four students coming up with Daisy.
The aim was to showcase the students' understanding of the chosen core dairy theme of 'health and nutrition' in a vibrant and creative manner.
Students also explored multiple artists who use a bold style to enhance Daisy's design.
Students spent time deepening their understanding of the benefits of the dairy industry including the importance dairy plays in their own health and nutrition.
They used their knowledge and new discoveries of the industry to create a uniquely painted design on a life-sized fibreglass cow. The aim was to create a design that would resonate with the Gippsland farming community and school community for years to come.
A dairy farm, an array of dairy products, Happy the Holstein cow, the rolling hills of Gippsland, a daisy patch, a river , a vegetable plot and students keeping active all featured on the Picasso creation.
Final designs were scaled up and drawn onto Daisy's fiberglass structure over two days. As students were about 80 per cent finished with their individual farm and nutrition canvas pieces, they were confident in applying their skills to Daisy using acrylic paint.
They had the opportunity to mix, match, and contrast high-quality acrylic mural colours. The entire process took about three weeks, and by week nine of the program, Daisy had transformed into something beyond expectations.
Daisy will now live out her school days in the field near the kitchen garden serving as a constant reminder to students prioritise a balanced diet and active lifestyle.
Left: Harvey Watkinson gets up close and personal with Daisy.

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