Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Traf High turns purple
1 min read

Staff at Trafalgar High School dressed in purple while students added touches of purple to their uniform for Wear It Purple Day recently.
The day was created by young New South Wales students and has expanded nationally highlighting inclusion of LQBTQIA+ youth in the community.
Trafalgar High School also marked the day with lunchtime activities including icing biscuits with purple toppings and decorating the general office area.
"Wear It Purple is an opportunity for all of us to recommit to supporting LGBTIQA+ young people," said principal Brett Pedlow.
"Trafalgar High School strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for students," he said.
Students added a splash of purple to their uniform including ribbons, pins, hair ties and socks. The day is part of a calendar of community events marked by the school including Harmony Day, Cultural Day, Reconciliation Week, IDAHOBIT Day and the upcoming R U Okay day.