Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Scholarships for two Neerim district students
1 min read

Two Neerim district students are beginning their university studies with some much appreciated financial support.
Duncan Bain and Jack Hamilton have been awarded this year's Beth Delzoppo Scholarships from the Community Bank Neerim District.
The scholarship, named after local legend Beth Delzoppo, recognises the important role education plays in shaping students' futures.
Chair of Neerim District Community Enterprises that operates the bank Clive Patrickson said the scholarship provided each of the students with $2000 per year for three years.
He said applicants for the scholarships needed to be younger than 25, offered a place at an Australian university, TAFE Institute or college and be in their first year of tertiary study.
The money can be used to help the students meet costs including accommodation, courses, study related materials and equipment, text books, tutoring and education related travel within Australia.
Jack Hamilton, who is studying a Bachelor's degree in Paramedic Practice at Latrobe University, said the scholarship would enable him to focus on his studies rather than stressing about his finances.
He said he admired the fast paced and adrenaline filled work of paramedics and planned to eventually move to the city to begin his career.
Duncan Bain has begun his studies for a degree in Exercise and Sports Science at Deakin University and intends on completing a Masters of Physiotherapy to become a qualified physiotherapist.
He said the scholarship would enable him to fund his own schooling and be more independent as a new university student.
Applications for next year's Beth Delzoppo Scholarships will open in November. They are open for students from the Neerim District including Noojee, Jindivick, Buln Buln, Neerim South, Neerim East, Neerim North, Neerim and Rokeby.
For more information visit www.bendigobank.com.au/neerim.