Students learn to be eSmart

Neerim South Primary School joined a global day of action to raise awareness of online safety recently.

The school hosted Alannah and Madeline Foundation eSmart Schools advisors to host a parent presentation and lead workshops for all students.
It ran in conjunction with Safer Internet Day, a day bringing together communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries, to work towards a safer internet.
A parent presentation discussed how families could support and encourage positive digital citizenship within their family.
Student workshops started a process to earn an eSmart digital licence. These processes promote a tech-positive approach, recognising the immense benefits of technology, while also addressing the risks learners face online.
The students explored one of the four common online safety risk areas: content, contact, conduct and compulsion.
The eSmart Schools program is offered for free at schools in Victoria and is an initiative of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. The program is designed to build a culture of safe and responsible technology use.

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