Saturday, 8 February 2025
Bowerbird focus for national storytime
2 min read

The Tarago MARC (mobile area resource centre) was at Nilma Primary School on Thursday as part of the National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) program.

The NSS is held by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). As part of the NSS a book written and illustrated by an Australian author is read simultaneously across the country in libraries, schools, pre-schools, family day care, childcare centres, homes and bookshops among other places.
The NSS aims to promote the value of reading and literacy in a fun way by using an Australian book that explores themes and addresses learning areas across the national curriculum from prep to year six.
Now in its 24th year, the NSS is a colourful and vibrant event eagerly anticipated by students, teachers and carers across Australia. This year was the biggest NSS yet with more than 2.3 million participants across 22,000 locations Australia-wide.
As well as promoting reading and literacy the event promotes Australian writing and publishing and aims to encourage parents and caregivers to celebrate story time activities in the community.
The NSS day at Nilma Primary School was facilitated by the Tarago MARC. The MARC is a library service that visits 285 students at Willow Grove, Tanjil South, Labertouche, Jindivick and Nilma Primary schools every week.
This year's book was Bowerbird Blues by award winning illustrator, writer and designer, Aura Parker.
Teacher and librarian from Tarago MARC Kim James said Bowerbird Blues was a great choice for this year's NSS.
"Her picture books are joyful with a playful sense of humour, brimming with so many details to explore," Kim said. "Aura Parker's storytelling through words and pictures inspires imagination, courage and confidence in young readers as well as a love, curiosity and passion for nature."
As well as reading and learning about bowerbirds, students visited by the MARC last week read and learned all about bowerbirds. Students made model bowers (the nests of bower birds) and were able to learn how difficult it is for a bird to construct such an architectural masterpiece all just to impress a mate.
Students also made collages decorated with blue to represent the decorating technique of the Australian Satin bowerbird.
The MARC service gives small rural and regional schools access to a range of books and educational resources that they don't have in their own libraries.
The Tarago MARC van holds 3000 children's books with a further 8000 stored in its collection. Students can borrow and return books every week. Kim provides literacy lessons to all students in the area and promotes and celebrates the fun of reading and books.