Sunday, 23 February 2025
Drouin primary celebrate 100 days of school
1 min read

Warragul & District Gazette, September 1, 2015

Drouin Primary School celebrated 100 days of learning on Tuesday, August 18.

Having started the count since Prep students started full time, students were encouraged to dress up in something incorporating the number 100.

Students wore a range of costumes, including 100 year old people to wearing 100 items.

Students rotated through different activities, including making hats and glasses.

The day ended with a whole school parade and school photo.

The school thanked students and families for their supoport of the day.

For more information about Drouin Primary School, phone the principal or administration

team on 5625 1666.

Tania-Marie Heron, teacher Jessie Headley and Mikayla Walter show off their hats
Impressive costumes were on display as Drouin Primary School celebrated 100 days of education.