Gippsland Region Public Health Unit current Vaccination Clinic operating hours:
Wednesday April 13
Wonthaggi Town Hall: 2pm to 5pm.
Lucknow Hall Bairnsdale: 11am to 7pm.
Our Lady of Sion Sale: 12pm to 7pm.
Friday April 15
Closed: Public holiday.
Saturday April 16
Closed: Public holiday.
COVID-19 Testing Sites in Baw Baw and Cardinia:
The Goods Shed: Monday and Tuesday 8am to 5pm, Saturday 8am to 12pm (rapid antigen tests only).
Warragul Respiratory Clinic: Bookings only on 5642 6666 or online.
IYU Recreation Reserve Pakenham: 7 days 8.30am to 5pm.
Easter and ANZAC Day Testing Site operating hours in Baw Baw and Cardinia:
Friday April 15
The Goods Shed: Closed.
Warragul Respiratory Clinic: 8.45am to 11.45am by appointment, call 5642 6666.
Saturday April 16
The Goods Shed: Closed.
Warragul Respiratory Clinic: 8.45am to 11.45am by appointment, call 5642 6666.
Sunday April 17
The Goods Shed: Closed.
Warragul Respiratory Clinic: 8.45am to 11.45am by appointment, call 5642 6666.
Monday April 18
The Goods Shed: Closed.
Warragul Respiratory Clinic: 8.45am to 11.45am by appointment, call 5642 6666.
Monday April 25
The Goods Shed: Closed.
Warragul Respiratory Clinic: 8.45am to 11.45am by appointment, call 5642 6666.