Celebrating a return to school and seeing their friends are Bona Vista Primary School students (from left) Joshua Dixon, Eli Gourley and Maddie Eades.
Great excitement was experienced at Bona Vista Primary School as friends reunited following the return of regional Victorian primary schools to on-site learning.
Asked the best part of getting back to the classroom, both Joshua Dixon and Eli Gourley said, “I get to see my friends”.
“I actually get to hang out with my friends,” added Maddie Eades. “I like it at school better.”
New student Benji Smith, who commenced just before lockdown, was thrilled to make new friends. “I get to do painting and sport,” he added.
Bona Vista Primary School re-opened last Monday for all students. Teachers reported great excitement and a few nerves as students returned for the first time since early August.
Students eased back into the classrooms with a focus on wellbeing in the first two days to reconnect the students.
West Gippsland primary schools welcomed back students to the classroom on Monday and Tuesday last week whilst those primary students at P-12 schools returned on-site from Thursday.
VCE students returned for the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday with all secondary students permitted to return to face-to-face learning this week.
“Our schools have shown remarkable resilience throughout the year, and we’re hoping to deliver students in regional and rural Victoria as normal a term four as possible,” Minister for Education James Merlino said.
In an unexpected bonus, Mr Merlino said school camps could also resume at regional schools. Camps will be limited to single schools and can only take place in regional Victoria.
“School camps are an important part of a student’s education and they will also provide a much-needed boost for school camp programs and accommodation providers across our regions,” Mr Merlino said.