Yarragon Primary School students Zara and Jamie Buch plant a tree on the school’s grounds.
Continued beautification of Yarragon Primary School’s grounds provided the impetus for the school’s students taking part in a national tree day planting in drizzling rain on Friday morning.
School principal Melissa Rock said students and families had joined to plant shade and ornamental trees throughout the school grounds, with work continuing over the weekend and into this week.
She said participating in the event allowed students to engage in the outdoors and beautifying the school for the whole community to enjoy.
“We are lucky to have an active building, grounds and design group who actively work at the school to keep the grounds beautiful,” she said.
Meanwhile, students at Bona Vista Primary School made a head start on members of the community on Friday, planting trees at Warragul’s Brooker Park as part of school’s national tree day.
The students made good progress in their planting activity, busily planting several trees throughout the morning and afternoon with only a short break for a barbecue lunch.
Students began planting ahead of community national tree day on Sunday, where a large number of local residents built on their hard work.
It was Council’s 15th year participating in National Tree Day on behalf of Planet Ark and the third consecutive year of revegetation works at Brooker Park.