Ghostlight Theatre will perform its fourth "Hits and Bits" production, "Hits and Bits 4 - Back In The Spotlight" at Jak's Music in Warragul on Saturday, March 15.
A revue style concert, the "Hits and Bits" performance will feature 25 talented locals, showcasing their creative talent with a variety of musical theatre numbers.
Director and theatre company co-founder Corey Bruerton said the "Hits and Bits 4" performance featured more theatrical elements than previous shows.
"We actually have real choreography happening, we're trying to incorporate all the elements of theatre (into the performance)," he said.
"Our goal every year is to incorporate some level of growth into "Hits and Bits". It started off with the initial concept of just people standing on stage and then we made it a little bit more formal the next year and then the year after that we started adding little more choreography. This year we've doubled the cast size from previous years, and this is the first time we have a choreographer on the production team for the show."
Audiences can expect a more scripted evening comparted to previous "Hits and Bits" performances.
"We want to keep things a bit of a surprise, but there will definitely be some big ensemble numbers that involve both singing and choreography," Corey said.
The cast for "Hits and Bits 4" is the largest cast Ghostlight have had for a production.
"This year we've got 25 people in our cast which includes both some returning faces and a lot of new faces," Corey said.
"I'd say about half our cast are brand new faces that have never been a part of our company before. It's really exciting for us to be growing, getting our name out there a bit more and people wanting to work with us."
Designed for all ages, Corey encouraged anyone who loves theatre to come along.
"We design our shows to be friendly for all ages while being entertaining for all ages," Corey said. "We make sure that any language we use is context appropriate. We're really careful to make sure that our show is available to all ages."
Without giving too much away, Corey shared two highlight moments from the performance.
"I won't give away the exact song but near the end of the show there is a six-part harmony with no music behind it, it just sounds so pretty because the people doing it are just nailing it," Corey said.
"I think from a general audience perspective that will probably be a highlight. For me though, my particular highlight happens at the end of the first act. It's made up almost entirely of people who before they joined Ghostlight, didn't do a lot of singing or performing with local theatre. They just smash out this extremely popular theatre song that every theatre veteran will know."
Money raised through ticket sales from the "Hits and Bits" performance will be put towards Ghostlight's production of "Little Women" this August.
"When the company started our goal was to try to avoid doing things like selling chocolates or sausage sizzles for fundraisers and use the talent that we have locally to raise funds," Corey said.
"That's what a theatre company is for, it's about giving people an opportunity to perform, an opportunity to learn. Why would we not take those opportunities while also fundraising?"
"It's so much fun for us and the audiences have loved it every year."
"Hits and Bits 4" will run for about two hours, including a 20-minute break.
Tickets are available to purchase online at
Arts and culture
Theatrical "Hits and Bits" with Ghostlight Theatre
Mar 05 2025
3 min read
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