by Bonnie Collings
A vibrant exhibition created by Drouin-based artist Tess Walsh is on display at the Red Tree Gallery in Jindivick.
Titled "Spark in the Dark", the exhibition is a snapshot of Tess' return to art after 30 years without picking up a paintbrush.
"I called it "Spark in the Dark" because I didn't start painting until during COVID," Tess said. "This (the exhibition) is what happens when you have pent up energy!"
After finishing secondary school, Tess said she forgot about her interest in art, focusing instead on working and making a living.
"You can't make money out of art – that's what I thought at the time," Tess said.
Working seven days a week running her own cleaning business, it wasn't until a global pandemic forced her to slow down that Tess picked up her paintbrushes again.
"When COVID happened, one of our main cleaning jobs in Drouin closed, so all of a sudden I had time," Tess said.
"I started off doing a couple of cup pours and what not just to fill in time during the day, then once I started I couldn't stop. It's amazing how you don't know what you've missed until you start doing it again."
Soon enough, Tess had about 50 paintings lining the hallway of her hou