Arts and culture
Becoming your authenic self

Authenticity coach, podcaster and creator of the ZEROFKS movement Kat John will stop at Violet and Ivvy in Warragul on Thursday, October 10 as part of her regional tour celebrating her debut book "Authentic: Coming Home To Your True Self."

In her teens and 20s, Kat was a self-described "gigantic people pleaser" with a habit for pushing herself too far. But despite appearances, inside she was plagued by self-hatred and low self-esteem and struggled with drug addiction and an eating disorder.
When chronic nerve pain and unexpected brain surgery pushed her to question her very existence, Kat realised it was time to be real and honest with herself. She's now on a mission to help others do the same.
Kat said she was excited to meet new and exciting people as she travels across regional Victoria on her book tour.
"I did a Melbourne book launch, and I decided to do a regional book tour instead of a national tour, simply because I have spoken in quite a lot of the regional areas where I'll be doing the events and the people are just so awesome," Kat said.
"I haven't come out to Warragul before to speak, but my really dear friend Julie asked me to add Warragul to the tour and I just couldn't say no."
Kat said the event at Violet and Ivvy will have a Q&A element, as well as broader discussions about being your authentic self.
"Julie will do a live Q&A, asking me about the journey of authenticity that we all take, why we sometimes find it hard to take that journey, why we feel called to take it. It'll be a really beautiful, intimate night with good humans, yummy food and great conversation."
One of the topics Kat will speak to during the event is how to balance being authentic.
"There's a pre-conception that to be authentic, you have to have everything out on the table, share everything, but that's actually not the truth," she said. "I know one of Julie's questions will be about how I show up as myself, whilst honouring my boundaries, yet also have this incredible, intimate relationship with half a million people (on social media) where they feel like they know me."
Another topic that will be discussed during the event is what Kat described as "the never-ending dance of what it's like living between who we think we have to be and who we actually are".
"It's a journey that never ends," Kat said. "No matter how much work we do, there are going to be times where we fall back into our patterns of people-pleasing, over-giving, perfectionist ways. (We need to learn) how to not condemn ourselves and feel like we're failing. There are going to be times where our old ways flare up, and that is okay."
Kat said she hoped the audience will walk away feeling dared to question if they're living their authentic lives.
"It's really an invitation to ask themselves, am I living a life that feels good to me, true for me and right for me," Kat said. "(It's about considering) am I living a life that's expected of me by my parents, society or my gender? Am I just going along with it because I don't want to upset the apple cart, or am I living a life that is mine?"
Kat encouraged people to begin their journey of authenticity by taking notice of situations where they feel inauthentic.
"Start paying attention to where you're not being authentic, it sounds counterintuitive but we've got to look at how our body feels when we walk into a room and what we do as a result of that," she said. "If we spend a bit of time paying attention to that, it gives us room to ask the question "well if that's not me, who am I?""
The "Authentic" book launch at Violet and Ivvy will begin at 7pm on Thursday October 10 and conclude at 9pm.
Snacks and drinks will be available to purchase from the Violet and Ivvy bar throughout the night, and copies of the book will also be available to buy.
Tickets can be purchased online at

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